A paradise to discover

Vila Corona

Vila Corona

The Vila Corona Winery, built on family land that dates back to 1749, was completed in 1993, surrounded by vines that were planted in 1986. With 11 hectares of native vines and also with international varieties such as Riesling, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, it produces six wines within the Costers del Segre Denomination of Origin. Five under the Llabustas brand, all 100% single-varietal, and one under the TU RAI brand… a blend of the Morastell, Garnatxa negra and Ull de lebre varieties.

The vineyards and the Cellar are located in a land formed in the Upper Cretaceous, in sandy sandstone, beach sand transformed into rock rich in quartz, potassium feldspar mica, quartzite remains of the inhabitants of those times (dinos and others) and cemented in lime. Together they find the rest of the Facies Tremp or Garumnià formation, very rich in minerals and among it what gives it its red color is iron. These two types of land give a structure with a lot of permeability and facilitate the rooting of the vine.

The cultivation of the vine is carried out always respecting nature and trying to achieve the least impact on it. Thus we facilitate our work by avoiding the use of insecticides by favoring the growth of populations of ladybugs and other beneficial animals.

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