A paradise to discover

Casal dels Voltors

Casal dels Voltors

El Casal dels Voltors is a tourist information point and an interpretation center for the scavenging birds of the Pyrenees. It is located within the Ruta del Valle de los Buitres, a 31 km circular itinerary that has picnic areas, fountains and viewpoints, passing through the villages of La Terreta, in the municipality of Tremp. The Route can be done on foot, by mountain bike or by car.

At the Casal dels Voltors, from April to September, every Thursday and Saturday at 10:30 a.m., prior reservation, you can enjoy a free live guided tour, from the midden observatory, where the different species of Pyrenean vultures (griffon vulture, black vulture, Egyptian vulture and bearded vulture) that come to the place to feed.

The Casal also serves as a reception point for visitors and an information point for the different activities that can be carried out in the La Terreta area, which has a large number of trails with different levels of difficulty, allowing visitors enjoy the landscape of the Serra de Sant Gervás-Terreta-Vall Alta de Serradell natural area.

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